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Posted on: June 13, 2018

Why it's so Important to Stay Connected!

Everyone needs an occasional massage or skin care treatment. If you are a massage therapist or an esthetician, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about your customers. You are surrounded by your competition, so you need to distinguish yourself from your competitors. You can stay connected with your clients without the hassle of mailing fliers every few months. When you establish a relationship with your clients, you can keep in contact with them online. Your online presence will keep your customers interested in your services. 

Stay Connected Online 

An interesting blog can attract an audience. Your blog will establish your credibility and expertise. New visitors will come to your site when your blog is promoted on social media. Every week, you can write about a different aspect of massage therapy or skin care. Your readers will view you as an expert, and they will likely schedule an appointment with you. When you update your blog on a regular basis, the search engines will view your site as an authority. Your readers can find your blog faster. 

Blog Topics for Massage Therapists and Estheticians 

Your readers will expect you to stay current with the newest trends in massage therapy and skincare. Many bloggers have a difficult time finding interesting topics. A massage therapist can write about the benefits of specific massages, natural health news, and helpful stretches. An esthetician can write about skin care treatments, popular beauty trends and common skin conditions. Most importantly, you should be consistent. Your readers will expect new content at least once a week. When they are not visiting your blog, they can visit your day spa for their routine beauty services.

Here at Space Coast Education Center, we strive to keep our students and clients informed of new trends. We will only use high-quality products for our clients. 

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