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Posted on: December 18, 2013

Job Requirements

A sports massage therapist is certified and licensed state-by-state. Professional associations and periodic massage therapist meetings helps sports massage therapists navigate legal requirements, gain employment and advance their careers in the field.

In order to qualify as a sport massage therapist, individuals are required to have a high school diploma and 500 hours of training necessary to meet license/certification requirements in the state they wish to practice.

Massage therapists of all kinds, including sports massage therapists, are required to carry professional liability insurance. This protection against claims to damages can save a professional's finances. Typically, sports massage therapists can get a good deal on liability insurance if they buy other types of insurance, such as auto or home, from the same insurance company.

Marketing and Customer Satisfaction

Massage therapists have to customize therapy regimens to fit each client's needs. This is especially relevant in the sports world since the client should not just "get better" as a result of the massage therapist's efforts, but, ideally, regain the level of performance he/she had prior to needing massage therapy.

People who work as sports massage therapists must make substantial efforts to market their skills in order to attract new clients. Additionally, personal demeanor and word-of-mouth reputation is important to attracting and retaining clients. A high school diploma (or GED) and 500 hours of training, licensing and certification are relatively low professional barriers. For contrast, consider the years and years of training needed to qualify as a medical specialist.

Salary Range

Most sport massage therapists make $40-$60k a year. Of course, as client prestige increases, so does sport massage therapist compensation. Exact pay will depend on location, employer, business skills and professional reputation. Compensation must incorporate liability insurance costs and, if applicable, claims.

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