Why Become an Esthetician?
Posted on: May 18, 2012
Before enrolling in an esthetician school, you must first decide why you are making a decision to become an esthetician. Thinking about things like paying for school and finding time in your schedule to attend class can seem challenging. However, becoming an esthetician is a great career choice for many people. Here are some of the top reasons that people become estheticians:Flexible Hours - Estheticians do not have to have a typical forty hour week. They can work either part or full time. Since spas and salons are open both day and night and on weekdays and weekends, estheticians can make their work schedule around their other obligations. Becoming an esthetician is a great career choice for parents because they have the ability to work based around the needs of their child.
Enter the work force quickly - If you are going into a career that is going to require a college degree or beyond, it can take many years before you have the opportunity to begin working. People who enter an esthetician school can expect to begin working in two years or less.
If you are interested in becoming an esthetician, contact Space Coast Health Institute at 321-308-8000 to find out more about their program.