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Posted on: October 4, 2017

Try Meditating to Improve Your Skin

With the holidays fast approaching, stress can pile on quickly. Thoughts about logistics, family members, household tasks, and more can nudge self-care right off to-do lists entirely. Fortunately, meditation requires as little as five minutes per day and presents a plethora of benefits, including but not limited to clearing up skin blemishes.

Using meditation to improve skin benefits both body and mind. By making time to see an esthetician at a day spa or office this holiday season, the quality of your skin care can skyrocket. Stress produces a chemical called cortisol, which negatively impacts the body when it is present for an extended period of time. Blemishes, blackheads, whiteheads, and other effects of clogged pores are proof of excess oil, associated with cortisol. Your daily skin care routine may combat some of the cortisol’s effects, but meditation will amplify it. Your esthetician may even recommend meditation themselves as part of a personalized skin care plan.

Using meditation to improve skin means setting a timer for at least five minutes each day so that you can simply sit and focus attention on your breath, body, or a calming object like a candle. It allows you time to tune into your needs. Making the effort to find out what’s going on inside your brain and body can neutralize some of the stress and serve as a coping mechanism. Meditating may serve as a calming outlet and a source of control so that less stress returns in the future. This can be done right in your chair at a day spa, or even while you’re practicing your daily skincare routine. Just because you’re meditating doesn’t mean you can’t multitask. Repetitive sound or motion can enhance your practice. Truly, meditating is worth adding to your skincare routine.

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