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Posted on: May 9, 2018

Treat Troubled Skin with Microdermabrasion

Efforts to control skin problems through techniques like day spa exfoliation and cleansing are wonderful, but they sometimes fall short of beauty needs. Some people have particularly troublesome features like excessive dry skin and deep pores that collect unwanted oils and dirt. Problem pores can arise anywhere, but when they happen on the face, they can cause negative noticeable changes.

Typical day spa skin care treatments by an esthetician are wonderful for maintenance of normal skin, but some people require more radical attention. Microdermabrasion is a specialized treatment that works in concert with skin care products to deeply cleanse and rejuvenate facial features.

Microdermabrasion is the application of non-chemical spray skin care products that contain microscopic crystalline particles. These crystals remove dead skin cells that cannot be removed through normal cosmetic applications. Along with this action, the skin is prompted to create new cells through collagen and elastin production. This procedure is ideal for people who notice unwanted skin changes due to aging, environmental exposure, or acne outbreaks.

A certified esthetician can administer microdermabrasion as part of a normally scheduled facial, or skin care regimen. Since abrasion reaches deeper levels of the skin, people who have this treatment should take note of post-treatment prescriptions. This could mean staying out of the sun for several days, adjusting acne medication, or using a special daily cleanser for the reduction of oil production. Microdermabrasion is not a clinical procedure, but it does involve more attention than normal day spa treatments. 

If you realize that your face and body skin need more attention than is normally provided through day spa treatments, it is wise to inquire about microdermabrasion. A host of problems with the skin can be causing unwanted wrinkles, lines, and discoloration. This type of treatment can take away years of harsh effects.

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