Tips for Choosing the Right Massage School
Posted on: June 26, 2014
When you have decided you want to pursue a career in the massage industry, you do not want your choice of massage school to stand in your way. You need to choose a school that meets your needs and expectations. Becoming a massage therapist is a big goal and a rewarding career. One of the most important things to remember is that your future in massage directly depends on your choice in massage school. When choosing your school, consider the following things.
1. In Business For
One thing you should look into is how long the massage school has been in business. A credible and trustworthy massage school has been in business for a while and has built up their clientele and has many professors who have extensive experience in the field. Brand new schools may not be what you are looking for because they often are not yet accredited and they do not necessarily always meet the needs of students as well as experienced schools.
2. Accreditation
Another thing to consider is whether the school you want to go to is accredited or not. Accreditation is important because without it, your credits may not transfer to other schools and you may not meet the licensing requirements once you graduate the program.
3. Curriculum
You will want to look over the curriculum before you go to the school. You should choose a school that has a diverse curriculum with plenty of hands-on training. This training is valuable and you cannot get it anywhere else.
4. Class Times
Another thing to look into is whether the school has a flexible schedule. Some schools adhere to a strict day schedule with full time only classes. Other schools offer programs that are more flexible to meet the needs of the working individual and parents.
5. Requirements
Always go over the requirements set forth by the school. Any good school will provide you with a list of everything you need to be successful and a list of courses that you must take. You should also be able to speak with an enrollment specialist whenever you need to. This will ensure you are keeping up with the requirements and needs of the massage program.
Contact Your Local Massage School Today
Start searching around for your local massage therapy schools. You will be able to research and look into the programs and curriculum offered by each one. Always feel confident in your decision and if you ever have doubt, ask for clarification or move on to your next option.