Things Every Massage Student Must Know
Posted on: December 20, 2017
Embarking on the journey of becoming a massage student is both an educational and rewarding experience, but there are many things every prospective student should know. Before you initially enter the school of your choice, be aware that having a high school diploma or GED is typically required at accredited facilities. You're also going to want to become well-versed in your state specific licensing laws in order to be prepared for how long your schooling will take. Becoming a licensed massage therapist can take anywhere from a few months to over two years. Your state should be able to advise you on the specific amount of hours that they require before giving you your official license.
Choosing the school you want to attend should involve a fixed set of considerations as well. First, always make sure that the school you are considering is an accredited learning facility. You also want to make sure that the school has a consistently high record of job placement. Many schools that offer courses in massage therapy will set you up directly with an externship so that you have the opportunity to transfer to a permanent position at the spa or facility you're studying at.
Researching the process of becoming a massage student also involves preparing yourself for future course material. Your massage therapy courses will entail materials on anatomy, pathology, healthcare ethics, kinesiology, and the business aspect of massage therapy. The type of massage modulates that you will utilize depends on the specific spa that you are hired at. Your professors will also teach you about self-care and wellness so that you can maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle throughout your career.
Becoming a student in this field is certainly an overall fulfilling experience. The knowledge you will gain surrounding the human anatomy, wellness, and various massage modulates will undoubtedly set you up for success. Knowing what to look out for beforehand will aid you in attending the most promising school while increasing your chances of a prosperous career in the industry.