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Posted on: August 15, 2012

Believe it or not, a person's nails can give insights into their health. There are several different things that a person can look for when it comes to health conditions by simply looking at their nails. The nails are similar to the hair when a person is sick. When someone is suffering from a medical condition, their hair will often be lifeless and dull. The same theory holds true when it comes to brittle or awkward nail care. Knowing what to look for is key when it comes to the prevention or treatment of many different disorders of the body.
Brittle nails could be a sign of liver disease or a vitamin deficiency that the person is dealing with. Spooned nails or bent nails could mean that the person is dealing with anemia. There are many other indicators of underlying medical conditions that could be detrimental to a person's health. In many cases, people will be able to see the overall quality of their nails when they go for a manicure. This is one of the first ways a person can see what their nails really look like without having any polish on them, since this can mask different nail problems.In general, if the nails look soft or damaged, it could be an indicator that there is an underlying medical problem. It could be as simple as a vitamin deficiency or it could be something more major, such as a disease or a blood condition. If there is anything out of the ordinary when it comes to your nails, be sure to visit a doctor as soon as possible. When going for a manicure or providing nail care, pay close attention to how your nails look and whether or not they are pitted or soft in general.

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