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Posted on: December 27, 2019

The Massage Therapist Shortage is at a Critical Level

Overcoming the Critical Shortage of Massage Therapists

New research reveals that there is a critical shortage of spa workers with proper training in massage therapy. Approximately 50% of the unfilled job positions in spas are for massage therapists. This industry is trying to understand why there is a critical shortage of workers when there is still a high unemployment rate in many geographic regions.

This Type of Job Offers Several Benefits

A licensed massage therapist receives a higher than average salary while also receiving numerous benefits. A spa may offer paid vacation time, health care insurance and reimbursement for continuing education courses. To learn how to perform massage therapy on clients, a student can enroll in an accredited school to learn from other licensed massage therapists.

It Is Easy to Enroll in an Educational Program

An important part of a student's training is practical experiences in a variety of settings, including local gyms or medical facilities. The amount of time for learning the skills to work as a therapist and to receive a license varies in each region, but most schools offer part-time educational plans so that students can continue to work or care for families.

This Is a Flexible Career Option

This is the perfect career choice for individuals in different age groups. It is possible to begin training as a licensed massage therapist right after high school graduation, but older adults may transition into this career after working in other occupations. Individuals who have retired from other jobs have returned to school to enjoy the benefits offered by the spa industry. Working as a licensed massage therapist is a desirable career because it is a flexible job. Workers can often choose the hours that they want to work, making it easy for them to enjoy other activities.

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