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Posted on: August 7, 2019

The Key to Spa Business Success - Convert New Customers into Steady Clients

Every spa business wants to grow as much as possible. However, it is a lot easier for a day spa to keep current customers than it is for them to get new ones. There are several things that you can do in order to keep your clients coming back.

Personalize Your Customer Experience

The customer experience is one of the main things that will determine whether a customer will come back. There was a survey that was taken by Accenture. The results of the study showed that 91 percent of consumers preferred to shop with a brand that remembered and recognized them.

Eighty percent of people stated that they only shopped with brands that personalized with their experience. That is why you will need to get to know your customers and build a relationship with them. Learn as much about your clients as you can.

Listen And Respond

Returning customers expect to have a good experience every time that they come. However, a negative experience will not necessarily stop one from coming back. If you get a bad review or a customer complaint, then you should take the time to correct it. You should also give your customers a survey after they leave. Ask them about areas where you can improve.

Reward Your Faithful Customers

You need to give your customers an incentive to come back. That is why it is a good idea to reward your customers. For example, you can allow your customers to pay a fee and get a service at a discounted rate. You should also give your returning customers a promotion.

Make sure that you let your customers know about the perks of being a faithful client.

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