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Posted on: March 11, 2013

Hydrotherapy is the use of water to treat an ailment whether it be physical or psychological. The most common types of ailments that benefit from hydrotherapy are conditions that affect the muscles, the heart, the cardiovascular system and the lungs. Hydrotherapy works because it takes the weight off of joints, reduces edema or swelling and allows for increased blood flow and muscle movement.

Four ailments whose needs can be met by hydrotherapy are:

Arthritis and Other Rheumatic Diseases

These diseases involve relaxation or exercise in warm water. It soothes the patient by taking the weight off of the painful and stiff joints and relaxes the muscles.

Rehabilitation After Stroke

Rehabilitation after stroke can be helped by hydrotherapy. Some people have been so weakened by a stroke that their limbs can’t bear their weight, so the buoyancy of hydrotherapy helps with the exercises they need to perform. The warmth of the water is also a stimulant.

Female Disorders

Many women take a Sitz bath. In a sitz bath, one tub of water is filled with hot water and the other is filled with cold water. The patient sits in one tub and puts her feet in the other then alternates. This sort of hydrotherapy is used to ease menstrual problems, cystitis and premenstrual syndrome.

Sores and the Skin Disorders

Sores and skin diseases have been known to respond to wet wraps. This is when the patient is in bed and they're covered with flannel sheets soaked in cold water and then wrung out. After the sheet warms up and dries dry towels are then applied to the patient. Later, the patient is covered by blankets. Wraps have also been known to treat bronchitis and colds.


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