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Posted on: September 22, 2014

A fall in the home can be devastating. It can cause a person to lose work, cause injuries that can have permanent effects and even cause death. Falls in the home are the second leading cause of unintentional death in the United States today. There are ways, however, to help ensure that you or your loved ones won't have an accident.

Typical Places Falls Occur

Here are some of the most common places in the home where accidents occur.

  • Stairs can cause the most serious accidents

  • Wet floor areas

  • Ladders

  • Cluttered areas

  • Areas without enough lighting

  • Doorways and ramps

Ways To Prevent Falls In Your Home

There are many ways that falls can be prevented. Add non-skid tape to area rugs. Make sure your stairs have hand rails on both sides and put non-skid carpet on the steps. Handles installed in the bathrooms will ensure safely getting in and out of the shower or bathtub. Have nightlights or lamps on at night to avoid getting up in the dark. Make sure electrical and phone cords are secured out of the walkway to avoid tripping. Clear clutter from walking areas. Never stand on anything with wheels.

Massage Therapy and Falls

If you do have an accident in your home, you will want to see a doctor first, of course. After you do, massage therapy can help with many aspects of the healing process. It can help to enhance function and mobility. Massage therapy can also help with pain relief, reducing anxiety and depression and temporarily reduce your blood pressure and heart rate. There are many different forms of massage therapy that can help get your life back to normal.

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