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Posted on: June 14, 2019

Taking Steps. Does the Order Really Matter?

If you are like most people, then using multiple products are probably a part of your skincare routine. However, in order to reap all of the benefits of skin care products, you will need to apply in steps. When you are applying skin care products, you will need to start with the prescription ones first.

The reason that you want to apply the prescription ones first is that the product that you apply first will typically absorb the most. If you are not using any prescription skin care products, then you will need to apply water-based products first. You can also apply water-based products after your prescription products. If you are using more than one prescription skin care product, then you will need to talk to your dermatologist about the right way to apply your skin products.

Keep in mind that all of the products that you use will absorb regardless of the order that you apply them. However, it is still important for you to apply the prescription ones first. Not only will the prescription ones absorb better but they will be more effective.

Your prescription product will be diluted if you apply it after your other products. You will be able to get the best results if you use your prescription product first. The reason that you want to start with water-based products if you are not on prescription medication is that you want to go from the lightest product to the heaviest one.

Light products will have an easier time absorbing without the heavier ones getting in the way. If you have a hard time working a product into your skin, then this is a sign that it is not absorbing well.

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