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Posted on: November 22, 2019

Spa Industry Changes Coming in 2020

The spa industry is not immune to changes based on what people expect today and newer technology that's on the horizon. Whether you run a day spa or offer some other type of treatments that involve skincare, it's important to know what the future holds for the spa industry in 2020.

More Documentation/Regulation

Estheticians will need to provide documentation regarding the safety and effectiveness of products and treatments offered. Part of the reason for this is because government regulators will begin taking action against unsubsta­ntiated claims. Plus, your clients will be more educated. For instance, they'll want to see proof that your anti-aging products or treatments are safe before using them.

Also, expect more regulation when it comes to things like "organic" vs. "natural" products. The regulation will also likely extend to:

• Skin condition-specific oral supplements, foods, and drinks
• What spa professionals can and cannot do
• The role of preservatives in the products you use/offer

Expectations for Faster Results

Today's spa enthusiasts expect everything faster, and this trend will definitely continue into 2020! Your clients will want everything from communication to the process of receiving treatment accomplished in less time.

Serving an Aging, Sun-Conscious, and Health-Concerned Population

As the number of older Americans grows, spas are going to see an increase in clients interested in facial products and treatments. If you're not already doing so, plan to serve a broader customer base in 2020 that includes older clients. Suncare products will be big as well as more consumers develop an awareness of the potential harm too much natural or artificial sun exposure can do. Clients will also expect more comprehensive consultations that address a variety of skin-related health concerns.

New Technologies and Equipment

A lot of the changes coming to this industry in 2020 involve new technologies, equipment, products, and methods. Automation, for example, will be a bigger part of the treatments provided. This may involve a combination of traditional hands-on techniques and the use of handheld devices. Additional changes coming in 2020 related to technology and equipment will involve:

• Online marketing and social media engagement
• The setup of well-equipped treatment rooms set up in mass-market retail locations
• At-home devices
• Stem cell-based products
• Hair removal/enhancement systems
• Genetically engineered fruit acids and other potent treatments
• A new airless delivery system that will change how packaging is done

Lastly, spa professionals can expect a lot of competition in 2020. However, customers will likely gravitate towards businesses that present valid clinical document­ation. In fact, more than half of current skincare companies won't be around in a decade. If you want to be a survivor, you'll need to be mindful of spa industry changes and be more focused on the services and products you offer instead of trying to be all things to all people.

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