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Posted on: August 23, 2017

Reasons to Reach For a Body Brush

A complete spa treatment and health booster from the comfort of your own home. A body brush can be great for more than just exfoliating. It helps to get your lymphatic system moving. flush toxins, and reduces bloating. How does all of this work in such a small tool and why should you use one? 

Lymphatic System Stimulation

One of the more notable medical benefits of the body brush is the ability to stimulate the lymphatic system. In fact, many medical professionals use similar techniques, such as the lymphatic drainage massage, to help lymph move throughout the body. Located in the top area of the skin, lymph moves through the body in certain capillaries. By stimulating these, the body is able to process it and move it along faster, aiding in a boost in the immune system. It also helps your body flush toxins that may be building up while stimulating blood flow. 


Consumers pay top dollar for various products and tools to help exfoliate their body, but a body brush is a cheap and reusable alternative to these. Many things slow down as we get older, and skin cell regeneration is no different. A body brush can help cure that rough and dry skin caused by cell buildup. Next time you find yourself with more breakouts or extra itchy, try to exfoliate it with a body brush. 

Reduce Bloating

This ties back into the lymph mentioned earlier. By getting your lymph nodes moving, your body is able to increase both lymph movement and blood flow, which reduces bloating that you may be feeling or seeing. If you needed some added health benefits, it can also improve the function of your kidneys, digestion, and more. 

Whether you are looking to benefit from lymph movement, reduce bloating, or just need that spa treatment experience at home, a body brush can be a great choice for anyone. Inexpensive and full of benefits, you'll be impressed with this simple yet powerful tool.

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