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Posted on: December 3, 2020

Smiling therapist, massage chair

Selecting a career is never easy. There is so much pressure on us nowadays to go to college, but we have other options, especially if you are still trying to figure life out. Picking the right career choice can mean all the difference between loving or dreading going to work everyday.

Helping Others

Massage therapy isn’t just about relaxation or healing, massage can also help people feel better. It can also increase our overall health and balance within the body, and as a therapist you can be a tool in that process. If you enjoy helping others, this might be a great route for you! I know it always makes me feel better and rewarded when I know i have played some part in reducing stress and making people feel better about their health, especially in this crazy world that we are living in today.

Work Environment

Most people have experienced working in a less than ideal work environment. With massage therapy, this can be one less of a concern. A main goal of massage therapy is to take people from the high stress of daily life to an atmosphere where they can not only relax, but release tension as well. Imagine working in a calm, serene atmosphere where your main goal is to reduce stress and increase relaxation, sounds great doesn’t it? Thats what certified therapists do everyday! 

Great Opportunity

The massage industry is in a very exciting phase. The benefits of massage are becoming more well-known and people need these benefits now more than ever! The increased demand for massage is excellent news if you are considering this as a career. So if industry growth and stability is something appeals to you when considering which career path you should take, massage therapy might look more and more promising.

Career Flexibility

Many careers lack the choice of flexibility. If you are the type of person that does not like dragging through the same 9-5 shift everyday, then massage therapy might be something to look into. Once you graduate from Massage Therapy School, you can find very flexible work as a therapist. There is also a wide variety of places to work as well as scheduling possibilities. A career in massage is great for those of us who want to make a good living, while still having time to do things that we love. 

An education in massage therapy school can be just as flexible. Here at Space Coast Massage & Spa, we have part time and full time programs. We also offer a daytime and a nighttime schedule. We have great consultants that can work with you to help you find what route will work best for you.

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