Qualities of a Great Esthetician Program
Posted on: December 14, 2011
One important feature of a good esthetician program is the flexibility of their schedule. Do they offer classes that fit your schedule? Some schools offer both day and evening classes. These schools tend to offer the greatest flexibility and often offer classes on different days to accommodate everyone’s schedule. A good esthetician program should include comprehensive education with highly trained instructors, a comprehensive esthetics program curriculum, a professionally equipped facility and quality skin care products. Class size is another important factor. Smaller class sizes allow for more personalized instruction and attention. Another factor to look into is the amount of time it takes to complete the program. Completing a Basic Facial and Make-up Specialist program can take as little as 260 hours. This is convenient for those looking to finish their schooling quickly.
If you are interested in becoming an esthetician and are looking for a school that is right for you, contact Space Coast Health Institute at 321-308-8000 to find out more about their program.