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Posted on: July 5, 2013

Are you on your feet all day? Do you find yourself dealing with aching, tired legs and sore feet because you are always on the go? Your feet bear a heavy burden as you take as many as 8,000 steps or more in a day. You need to give them the attention that is their due. Proper foot protection can go a long ways toward preserving your feet and keeping up and running.

The proper shoes are one of the most important presents that you can give yourself to cherish your feet. When it comes to walking shoes and daily wear, you need shoes that fit well and have plenty of support. Choose footwear that is light, but also has good shock absorbency. You will be searching for shoes that cushion your feet with each step. You should always try them on first, looking for a spring in your step. Many shoes have roll bars and gel pads, providing you with extra support. Make sure your shoes are not too wide or too narrow. Otherwise, they will rub your feet in an irritating way that can result in painful blisters or touch calluses. You'll also want to pay attention to your arches, getting the properly formed shoe depending on the shape of your foot. When you buy new shoes, shop later in the day after you've been on your feet. Otherwise, you might pick a shoe that is too tight.

Remember that there are shoe liners available to provide extra foot protection. If you wear high heels, find shoes with a larger heel and switch to supportive shoes at the end of the day. If you are an athlete, you will need to buy new running shoes more often because of the wear and tear from high impact activity.


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