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Posted on: February 25, 2013

Massage can be very helpful for a lot of reasons, but sometimes people have special needs when it comes to touch. Sensory disorders are a specific category where massages can be very helpful, but they should be done carefully and with full awareness of that disorder. Someone with a sensory disorder may be extra sensitive to touch or dislike being touched. Here are some ideas for how to effectively massage someone who deals with this.

1. Be aware of over stimulation.

You may have to take a few breaks throughout the session, especially at first. The client may feel overwhelmed by the amount of touch and need to take a break. Allow the breaks, but encourage them to continue as soon as they feel ready.

2. Use textured massage products.

Sometimes it may be too much for the client to feel they are being touched by human hands. Try some different, softer massage textures to make the client feel more at ease.

3. Give them something to focus on.

Consider providing them earphones or encouraging they bring their own. Music playing in the background is good but easily ignored. If they have earphones and something to listen to, they may be able to focus on that and relax a little bit more.

4. Oils.

Oils are especially helpful for sensitive touch, as it is a different but gentle tactile sensation.

5. Deep tissue massage.

This may be an unexpected solution, but clients with tactile issues generally respond very well to gentle, deep pressure once they get used to the initial touch. Talk this through with your client and make sure they feel safe and know they can stop you at any time.


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