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Posted on: March 6, 2019

Marketing to Corporate Clients

Marketing is one of the keys to being a successfully licensed massage therapist. You will need to market in order to get corporate clients. There are several things that you can do to attract corporate clients. 

Send Out Post Cards 

You may have potential clients that do not know about your services. That is why it is important to send out postcards. The postcard should give details about the massage, pedicure, manicure and other spa treatments that you offer. Put the postcards in neighborhoods that are close to your business. 

There are likely people in the neighborhood who are looking for day spa services. The more postcards you give out, the more clients you can potentially attract. 

Host an Open House 

People will likely want to know more about your services before they use them. That is why it is a good idea to host an open house. You can come to a business's office and do a massage therapy demonstration. You can also tell people more about your services. 

Start a Loyalty Program 

A loyalty program is a great way to encourage your clients to keep using your business. You can give your customers a discount after they use your business for a certain amount of time. 

Offer a Package Deal 

Customers love package deals. If they can get several services done for one price, then it will help them save money. You will also be able to make more money. 

Take Appointments Online 

Calling is still the standard way that people make appointments. However, it is a good idea to offer online appointments. People like being able to make an appointment without having to wait for a callback.

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