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Posted on: May 24, 2016

Before you start washing that nagging load of dishes in your sink that's been eye-balling you for hours, PAUSE.

Take a moment to think what all that soap and water will do to your hands. Many people don't think about it and don't worry about skin care or maybe have dishwashers that do most of the work, but that doesn't stop the soap and water from harming your hands! Skin care is important in all aspects of life. Whether it's washing endless piles of dishes or using loads of hand sanitizers, your hands are feeling it! That's why you need some special skin care products that will keep your hands feeling soft, clean and healthy. Here are a few specific hand care products that and hand sanitizers that nourish your skin and keep it soft and free from cracking!

Natural Oils:

Coconut Oil- This oil isn't just good for your chapped lips or dry skin, it's also good in cooking as a healthy alternative for other, harmful products for your body. Jojoba Oil- This oil can be used year round to soothe red, irritated skin on the hands and face. Marula Oil- This oil has been used by Kenyan women for centuries to keep their skin looking young, soft and clean.

Best Hand Sanitizers:

Linked below is a list of the nine best hand sanitizers that do not dry out your skin, but nourish it while also killing those germs. Nine Hand Sanitizers That Are Good For Your Skin.   If you're looking for a different solution, try these hand care products:

  • Natural Body Lotion

  • Working Hands

Or these general skin care products:

  • Whip Body Lotion

  • Herbal Moisturizer

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