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Posted on: July 1, 2019

Important Wellness Industry Terms You Should Know

Wellness Industry Terms You Need To Know

Healthy living is a craze that people are taking to heart every day, and you need to know some of these terms so that you know what you are paying for, why you are paying for it, or what these services will do for you. When you have fully invested in your health and wellness, and you will become much more content and comfortable person.

“The definitions have taken considerable time and thoughtful debate among the WTA Board of Directors,” says WTA chairman Andrew Gibson. “We feel the terms will provide clarification and benefits not only to our members but to anyone with an interest in the wellness tourism industry.”

Take a look at these eras so that you know what you are getting into when you start investing in health, wellness, and the spa industry.

Wellness Tourism is the division of the tourism industry that specifically focuses on spa trips, yoga classes, running, swimming, and anything else that will help you remain healthy. You are not going to the attractions. You are going for your health.

Wellness Travel is the part of the wellness industry that helps you travel and plan trips to places that are good for you.

Wellness Travelers are the people who travel for their wellness and not for entertainment.

Wellness Visitors are people who will fit wellness into their trips but not make them the focus.

Wellness Vacation/Holiday is a time when you go away to get better and take a retreat. You are not just getting well, you are getting away from the stress of your life.

Wellness Retreats are guides programs that teach you wellness tips, give you classes and seminars to attend, and pamper you back to health

Wellness Resorts or a Wellness Sanctuary are full resorts that are built around their wellness options such as the gym, classes, spa, etc. These resorts are in nice destinations so that you can visit the local community if you want.

Wellness Destinations are places that will foster wellness in your soul. Going to the mountains, the islands, or the lake could be relaxing destinations you might try.

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