Important Abilities of Estheticians
Posted on: April 4, 2012
Graduating from an esthetician school can be a great opportunity. Estheticians can have a long and rewarding career. There are some important skills, knowledge and abilities that are important for estheticians to have.- They should be service oriented. Estheticians should always be looking for ways to help their clients.
- They should be good listeners. It is important for estheticians to listen to what their clients are saying and ask appropriate questions.
- They should be good speakers. Estheticians should be able to effectively convey information by talking with their clients.
- They should be socially perceptive. It is important for estheticians to be aware of their clients reactions and to understand why they react the way they do.
- They should be able to make appropriate equipment selection. Estheticians should be able to decide what types of tools and equipment they will need to do their job.
- They should have good time management skills. Estheticians should be able to manage their time effectively.
- They must be able to identify problems. It is important that estheticians are able to identify their client’s problems and be able to address them.
If you are interested in becoming an esthetician, contact Space Coast Health Institute at 321-308-8000 to find out more about their program.