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Posted on: December 26, 2012

The main reason why so many students fail their bar exam in massage therapy is because it requires them to remember and recall a lot of information. The bar exam is certainly a test of knowledge, rather than skill. Therefore, to prepare for this massage therapy exam, here are some tips that will help you.

Exercise the weekend before the exam

You should know that exercise helps stimulate the mind and relax the body. The weekend before your exam, spend time exercising or participating in sports activities, such as tennis or soccer.


Two nights before the exam, do plenty of reviewing over the main subject material. You should be reviewing anatomy and physiology and the muscles of the body. It will help you to create new flash cards and review your old flash cards. You should know all the main definitions of each chapter as well. You'll likely have to answer questions over certain medical terms. For example, can you name the muscles surrounding the scapulas?

Get a massage

Get your own massage to help your body relax. Getting a massage will also help you focus on your own technique. Pay attention to what the therapist is doing to your body during your massage. Try to think of things you could have done to make the massage better.

Get rest

The night before the exam, get plenty of rest. Ideally, you should get at least 10 hours of sleep.

Arrive early

Try to get to the exam site an hour before your scheduled exam. Plenty of students miss their exams because of unfortunate circumstances. Give yourself plenty of time to find the exam room. If you have time left over, spend it reviewing.

Hopefully, these tips should help you prepare for your bar exam. Don't stress about it too much. You may start second-guessing yourself.

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