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Posted on: February 5, 2020

How To Get More Referrals For Your Spa Business

A day spa business can only do well if they continue to bring in business. Even if they offer great services, it can be difficult to stay afloat if there aren't customers coming through the door. The good news is there are ways to increase your customer base. Keep reading to learn how to get more referrals for your spa business:

Incentivize Referrals

Look to the clients who already love you and your offerings. You can use your existing clients for a referral, but you want to make sure that you make it seem enticing to do so. By offering incentives, like a discount on their next treatment, you're more likely to get the referrals that you need and want.

Ask for Testimonials

It's also a smart idea to ask your current clients for testimonials. A testimonial can be powerful because it can encourage other people to act and give your business a try. Once you collect some testimonials, you can post them on social media so that other potential clients will see them.

Make an Offer to Inactive Clients

If you have a list of clients who have utilized your massage therapy services but have not been to visit in a long time—make them come back! You can do so by offering special deals. This will encourage them to book an appointment and visit again soon. At their appointment, if all goes well and you have a satisfied client, you can mention that you love getting referrals and that referrals help you keep your business running.

By following some of these suggestions, you can increase your referrals so you can continue to have a successful spa business. While it may be uncomfortable to ask for a referral at first, it's essential to step outside of your comfort zone so you can take your business to the next level!

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