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Posted on: December 11, 2019

How the Spa Student Should Deal With Holiday Stress

If you’re a spa student, then you know it can be hard to balance classes, work and still find time to enjoy life. The ability to focus your attention on your spa studies is important if you want to succeed, but it can be hard to concentrate if you’re stressed out.

Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

You may be suffering from the after-effects of holiday stress, but don’t reach for that bag of chips or soda. Instead, opt for eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to help boost your immune system. Drink plenty of water and non-caffeinated tea to hydrate your body. It’s important to get a good night’s sleep too, so make sure and put your smartphone away before you climb into bed.

Take Control Of Your Time

One of the best ways to decrease stress and learn to relax is by learning time management. There are lots of online planners that allow will allow you to schedule appointment reminders, study times and alert you to homework deadlines. Planning your time means getting school work done and still finding time for some fun.

Keep A Positive Attitude

When you work in a spa, it’s imperative that you stay focused on the client. You need to be able to smile and be happy, even when you feel the stress of your busy schedule getting to you. Meditation, yoga and physical activities are great ways to cope with your life when it starts to feel overwhelming.

By making these lifestyle changes, you’ll enjoy your time as you become more proficient in your skillset. Your clients, instructors, and co-students will appreciate your positive energy too. When you’re well-rested and healthy, you’ll be more alert and ready to learn.

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