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Posted on: April 20, 2015

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What Causes Broken Facial Blood Vessels?

Broken facial blood vessels often occur on the chin, cheeks or nose, leading to embarrassment. While this condition is not dangerous, it is important for individuals to use proper skin care products on the affected area. Because of heredity, age or pregnancy, this condition often affects females, but males also develop the unsightly broken facial blood vessels.

How to Strengthen Capillaries

In addition to topical skin care, improving the overall health of the body can help to prevent the broken facial blood vessels. The leaking capillaries under the facial skin are caused by weakened blood vessel walls. Adding citrus fruit and leafy green vegetables to meals can provide essential nutrients that strengthen capillary walls.

Improving the Diet Prevents Broken Facial Blood Vessels

There are also benefits of vitamin C from consuming grapefruit, lemons and oranges on a daily basis. Vitamin C and bioflavonoid help to prevent bruises and hemorrhages caused by weakened capillaries. Anyone eating a healthier diet that contains these nutrients begins to notice more youthful and toned skin.

Proper Skin Care Strengthens Capillaries

While buying skin care products for the face, begin to read labels carefully to find products that contain bioflavonoid and vitamin C. Protecting the facial skin with quality skin care creams and lotions that contain natural ingredients can help to prevent or cover broken facial blood vessels. It is also important to protect the capillaries in the body and face by avoiding substances such as caffeine, hot spices and alcohol that cause blood vessel dilation.

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