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Posted on: January 23, 2012

Massage therapy is literally a hands-on career.  Massage therapists must take proper care of their hands to ensure they have a successful and long lived career.

Good hand care includes well-trimmed and manicured nails, soft skin, protection from cuts and stretching and preventative injury measures.  It is important that massage therapists never practice their craft with open wounds on their hands.  Since it is unavoidable to keep hands from getting cut once in a while, using a skin barrier such as a liquid band-aid will prevent contagious infections from spreading.  Keeping soft hands is another part of being a massage therapist.  Massage therapists should moisturize their hands frequently.  Stretching and self-care massage is very important to massage therapists.  Massaging and stretching your hands and forearms before and after each massage will help to prevent injury and fatigue.  Finally, getting a manicure or doing a self manicure is great for massage therapists.  This will keep your hands looking fabulous and will keep you nails trimmed and fingertips soft to the touch.  Good hand care practices are an integral part of a massage therapist’s job.

If you are interested in becoming a massage therapist, contact Space Coast Massage & Spa at 321-729-9000 to find out more about their program.

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