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Posted on: June 21, 2019

Getting the Job After Graduation

Find a Job As Quickly As Possible 

As a spa student, you should think about getting a job as soon as possible after your graduation. By using your skills as soon as possible, you will reinforce what you have learned in your classes and during your practical training experience. 

Make Personal Contacts While You Are In School

Don't wait until graduation day to begin making the personal contacts required for your resume. While you are in school, you will meet the managers at beauty salons and day spas along with the experienced estheticians who work in these places. Make sure that you behave in a professional manner so that these individuals will remember you when a job is available in their workplaces. 

Prepare Your Resume and Documents 

In addition to creating a great resume, make sure to have copies of your transcripts and esthetician license. Keep these items with you to give to managers when you are applying for a job or meeting them for an interview. 

Using Your Skills Reinforces Your Training 

Accepting a job offer quickly is essential because working with clients is one of the best ways to develop a great reputation. When clients like how you perform a massage, manicure or other services, they will request your services again the next time. A part-time job at a spa or beauty salon can expand to having full-time hours instead. 

You Will Gain Confidence 

As your confidence increases, you will feel happier about the career that you have chosen, and you will want to continue your education by learning the latest trends and newest techniques. When you master more of your training, your confidence will begin to grow until you may consider opening your own business where you can help a spa student to reach her career goals. 

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