Four Things To Do Before Applying To An Esthetician School
Posted on: January 4, 2012
- Research Becoming an Esthetician. Before you apply to an esthetician school, you should be sure that this is the career for you. Research and find out exactly what they do, what their career options are and how much they get paid. Talk with other estheticians to see what their typical day is like. Be sure that what you find aligns with your goals.
- Find Esthetician Schools in Your State. Locate schools in your state and make a list. Certification varies by state so going to school in the state you live is generally a good idea.
- Call Each Esthetician School and Schedule Visits. Once you have your list, call each school and find out what their program has to offer, how much tuition is and what class schedules are like. If the school sounds good, schedule a visit. Take a tour of the school and meet some of the instructors.
- Talk to Estheticians That Have Graduated From the Schools. Once you have narrowed your search to a couple of schools, talk to graduates of those schools. Ask them about their experience at the school and what type of job placement assistance they offered.