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Posted on: December 20, 2012

Stressing the importance of routine massage to your clients can be a time-consuming process. Many people like to get a massage only after a particularly difficult day at work or a stressful life event. As a massage therapist you know the benefits of massage can only be maximized if taken advantage of on a regular basis. Here are a few tips you can use to educate your clients and make sure they return to your table every week.

Encourage, Don't Pressure.

No one likes an overly forceful sales pitch. You have already rendered your services at least once, so they know what they are getting and most likely are satisfied. Instead of using aggressive and mildly threatening language, encourage their dedication to the care of their body and spirit, while acknowledging the fact that they do lead hectic lives.

Use Medical Facts Instead of Personal Opinion.

The medical benefits of massage therapy are widely known. Instead of giving your personal reasons why your clients should return, focus on how routine massages are known to decrease anxiety, reduce pain, improve circulation, increase energy, and assist in memory and concentration. Your clients will appreciate the fact that you are straightforward and knowledgeable.

Promise Consistency.

As in every other area of their lives, your clients need consistency when it comes to massage. Give them the comfort of knowing they have a set schedule with you every week on the same day, at the same time. After a while it will become one less thing for them to remember and returning to your office will be more of a reflex than anything.

The benefits to routine massage are truly endless. Fully educate your clients and they will learn to make massage a part of their everyday lives.

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