Choosing the Right Music
Posted on: May 2, 2014
As a massage therapist, it is your duty to give your clients a relaxing massage and provide them with the level of relaxation and relief they want. Many massages are accompanied by music, but how do you pick the right type? It can be difficult trying to decide what types of music you want to play during a massage. There are definitely types of music you want to avoid as well. Music and massage go hand and hand and will heighten the experience of any massage. Read below to learn the perfect type of music to match with the massage therapy you offer your patients.
Nature Music
Nature sounds can be relaxing to many individuals, but some may find it distracting. It is important to consider the types of nature sounds that you play when you do decide to use them. Waterfalls and the sounds of water tend to be more relaxing than a stampede through the jungle.
Classical Music
Classical music is another great option to play, but it can be distracting to some folks as well. When choosing the type of classical music you want to play, consider avoiding symphonies that have very loud and unexpected raises in the volume. This can startle your client and disturb their relaxation.
Tips on Choosing Music
There are a few things that you should definitely avoid when it comes to the music you choose. You want to always make sure that you are playing the perfect music and promoting a relaxing and enjoyable experience.
Ask Your Clients
Before you begin giving a massage, consider asking your clients what their preference is for music. Maybe they prefer listening to nature while another client only wants to listen to classical sounds. Each client will differ and some can differ very widely so it is important to always take note.
Length of the Music
Always make sure that the music you are playing is an appropriate length. The music should start when the massage begins, if not already be on in the room. The music should also continue until the client is done in the room and has left. Avoid choosing music that will stop during a massage, require you to change the CD, or start over. This can be distracting and throw off the whole massage.
You should always avoid lyrics in a song as this will actually promote engagement and not relaxation. When a client comes in for a massage, they do not expect to be singing along with their favorite tunes.
Music is Important
Music is important in the massage industry and it can be healing. It is always a good idea to have music on hand to play for your clients. Never be afraid to ask your client about his or her preferences. Some clients may not even want to listen to music in the room. Always put your personal tastes last and your clients first.