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Posted on: June 5, 2019

Building Confidence in New Employees

Building Confidence in New Employees

Everyone gets nervous on the first day of anything. That goes for school, a club and especially a new career. As a boss, whether you are an owner or a supervisor, it’s up to you to help the new employee during their first days at your spa. You needn’t do this alone, however. Encourage your spa’s team members to welcome your new employee.

As you lead your new employee through your business, introduce her to the other team members. They are now her co-workers, mentors, and in time, her friends. Make welcoming friendship and non-competitive teamwork the cornerstone of your shop. Let employees know that you expect them to give their best to one another.

You may wish to make it a ritual to welcome new team members with a potluck luncheon. She will get to know her new work family over a relaxed meal. You may wish to bring a cake with a welcome message iced on the top. 

During lunch, each member can recall their first days in the business. Sharing these memories will make the new employee feel genuinely welcome.

As your new employee moves from spa student to an experienced and knowledgeable team member, she will need you to educate and mentor her as she progresses in her profession. 

Depending on the specialization of your new member, you may wish to assign her a mentor in the same line of work. A massage therapist will feel more comfortable in her first real job if there is a more experienced person she can turn to for help in her field. 

If you and your staff encourage her and back her all the way, the new employee will quickly build confidence and become a real asset to your business.

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