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Posted on: June 27, 2018

Become a Sports Massage Therapist

Sports massage therapy

Becoming a sports massage therapist may be one of the best career choices of your life. Specifically, sports massage therapists are massage therapists who are specialized in treating sports injuries. Sports massage therapists typically massage the muscles regarding a sports injury. They learn all of these techniques in a massage school. However, before you can enroll in a specialized massage school or program, some requirements have to be met. First, you will need a high school diploma. Then, at least 500 hours of study and teaching is required. This study and teaching are about anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and how the body works. Depending on the school you are attending, some will offer an associates program. Aside from core courses involving the study, you may also be required to complete CPR or first aid training. As far as licensing is concerned, it varies states to state so I would recommend doing your own research. Before you graduate, you may need to complete a sports internship as a sports massage student. 


Sports massage therapy has a lot of benefits to it. First off, the job is going to be in high demand and is showing a 22% growth in the next decade. The average salary for a sports massage therapist is around $40,000 a year. This is pretty good for only a small amount of schooling compared to a traditional doctor. Your best bet will be to continue your education upon completion of your certification. By doing this, you will most likely see a pay raise. Also, being in this industry allows you to network with a lot of people. 

In the end, sports massage therapy is great for anyone who likes sports, likes helping people, but doesn't want to go to school for years and years just to reach that goal.

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