Are You Asking the Right Question? Developing a Checklist...
Posted on: September 24, 2014
The field of Massage Therapy is similar to any profession in the health care industry wherein obtaining accurate patient information is critical. An initial questionnaire or checklist provides important data on the health status of potential clients including limitations, medications, and contraindications. A properly designed form documents relevant criteria, assists the massage therapist’s assessment on treatment approaches, and acknowledges adherence to laws and regulations as well as HIPPA guidelines, which protect both the therapist and the client. Establishing open and honest communication is crucial to the client/therapist relationship and helps prevent confusion. The first few questions refer to general demographics such as age and gender as well as emergency contact, address, phone number or email address. Other questions in this section ask whether the client has prior massage experiences and help determine their massage therapy expectations. If a client is unwilling to provide this data, that may indicate a conflict of interest. The next section relates to medical history, previous injuries, skin conditions, allergies, respiratory issues, sensitivities, current health or emotional status, over the counter medications or prescriptions. Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, some medications, or contagious diseases such as Hepatitis may put the therapist at risk, influence the type of massage treatment and can affect the outcome. If the client has insurance or a medical practitioner referral, then these documents and records should be collected and kept on file. The final questions ask the patient to indicate the acute or general areas of concern, if any, and help avoid misunderstanding by the massage therapist as well as dissatisfaction by the client. A diagram is beneficial and allows the client to specify where they feel the massage therapy treatment should focus. After the client has completed the questions and prior to the massage therapy session, find a private location to sit and discuss the answers. Have the client elaborate on areas of concern and clarify details such as medications or injuries. Describe the massage therapy process, any draping procedures, and ask if they have any questions.