An Esthetician’s Work Environment
Posted on: April 8, 2012
Once you have graduated from an esthetician school, a world of opportunity can open up for you. Estheticians have a variety of setting that they can work in and should be able to perform certain functions.Estheticians have the choice of whether they want to work in a treatment area or not. Many estheticians choose to work in the treatment area. They have the option of working in a salon, spa or medical office. They then have the chance to perform a variety of different treatments and procedures. They may be required to wear lab coats and gloves. They must not be allergic to the products that they are using. They can be required to do lifting, pushing and pulling of up to ten pounds. Although estheticians can sit for a good part of their day, they should also able to get up, reach and bend over throughout the day. Estheticians that choose to work outside a treatment area also have many options. They can work as educators, sales representatives, product manufacturers, teachers, makeup artists in television studios, movie sets, or fashion shows, and for wedding consultants.
If you are interested in becoming an esthetician, contact Space Coast Health Institute at 321-308-8000 to find out more about their program.