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Posted on: August 11, 2014

The Kinesio Taping Method is an innovative healing method that has many uses. This is a system developed by a man named Dr. Kenzo Kase, who was both a chiropractor and acupuncturist. Kinesio Tape is a special type of tape that facilitates healing. Unlike conventional tapes, it has an elasticity that blends with the human body. Dr. Kase developed it based on a careful study of kinesiology, or the science of movement. It can be used in conjunction with massage therapy, chiropractic and even conventional medical treatment. Here are five things that you should know about Kinesio Tape.

  • This tape lifts the skin at a microscopic level, helping to make it more elastic and breathable. This also promotes good circulation and helps speed up healing.

  • Because its elasticity matches that of human muscles, the tape stays on the skin much more comfortably and for a longer time than conventional medical tapes.

  • Kinesio Tape is used by Olympic athletes and many other athletes to improve performance and prevent injuries. It is applied to various parts of the body, such as arms, legs and torso. It is especially useful for athletes because it doesn’t restrict range of motion like most tapes do.

  • This tape can be applied by a chiropractor, acupuncturist, massage therapist or other healer to enhance the effects of the healing modality. The tape can accelerate healing and help prevent re-injuring of vulnerable areas.

  • Courses, seminars and certifications in the Kinesio Taping Method are offered to ensure that the methods are applied correctly and that high standards are maintained.

Although Kinesio Taping has been around for several decades, many people are just starting to discover it. Whether someone has a massage school, a type of healing practice or is simply looking for a way to enjoy better health and fewer injuries, the Kinesio Taping Method has a great deal to offer.

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