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Posted on: December 24, 2012

Individuals starting a business as a nail technician can guarantee their success if they practice good sales and marketing techniques in order to keep current clients and continue to attract new ones. First, design an attractive business card listing your services and contact number for making appointments and hand them out to family members and friends and invite clients to take one to pass along to their family members and friends. Second, ask every client for their e-mail address so you can send them reminders about upcoming appointments in addition to offering them seasonal specials and other advertising promotions.

Third, start a portfolio that shows off your work, including manicures, pedicures and special services such as acrylic nails. Ask permission from clients to take a photo after their appointment and add it to your porfolio to show prospective clients the quality and versatility of your skills as a nail technician. Fourth, start an internet blog about your services and talk about good nail care, the latest trends in decorating nails and announcing special limited time offers for your services. Tell clients to sign up to receive this blog using their e-mail address and advertise it on your business card or your social media page. Fifth, show clients how much you appreciate them sending you new business referrals by rewarding them with a bottle of nail polish, a complimentary nail care item or a reduced fee the next time they book their own appointment. Following an ongoing program that advertises and promotes your services as a talented nail technician helps insure increasing sales success as your business grows.

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