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Posted on: December 10, 2014

Most of us need a little help with our sleep habits. Some try sleep therapy and others seem to have incurable insomnia. We have found a few simple techniques, especially during stressful times, to get a more restful slumber that are simple and accessible.

1. Have a Routine

Many who fail to sleep well do not follow a ritual to get into a sleep mode. They come home late, watch TV, and then wonder how much time they'll get before starting another day. A routine of limited TV time, a healthy meal, and doing something constructive can make a big difference.

2. Limit TV Time

The bright shining light from a screen (phones and computers, too) keep you up whether you want them to or not. It is recommended that you relieve yourself of the stimulation of light from these sources so as to let yourself fall naturally into a tired state.

3. Embrace Holistic Approaches to Health

Far too many people take sleeping pills who do not need them. You can feel tired the same way that a child does. For instance, the cooling off the body does after a hot bath sends the body into a restful mode, as does reading. By staring at the dull pages of a book or report, you may find yourself drifting off in no time.

4. See a Massage Therapist

Massage therapy is a great way to relax. Not only can you get the physical tension worked out of your body with a massage, but you will also find that having this time to relax will put you in a more pleasant state. It is good for your heart and mind to relax, and part of that is getting a full night's rest, which is easier when you are prepared to rest, which is exactly what a massage does, as do a routine, limiting TV time at night, and going to bed naturally.

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