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Posted on: March 11, 2015

Whether traveling by car, plane, train, or bus, a travel massage really helps to reduce bodily tension and relax stiff muscles. Getting into a hotel while on business travel is the perfect time to schedule a travel massage, either before or after a big event. Anxiety and tension can lead to cramped muscles and a stiff neck or shoulders, and a massage can alleviate discomfort while promoting relaxation. A scalp massage not only feels great in providing relaxation to the skin and underlying tissues, but also helps to release tightness in the scalp, face, jaws, and neck. Moving on to the shoulders where people often carry a great deal of tension, shoulder and scalp massage can completely relax the upper body to help the traveler shed anxieties associated with the trip and related activities. An arm re-energizer massage removes tension from the arms and hands that may unconsciously be clutched or tightened in response to the trip. Range of motion and gentle arm movements will release endorphins that make the body feel more rested and at ease. The benefits of travel massage are many. Most travelers don't realize how tense they are until they begin to relax and unwind after traveling some distance. A skilled massage therapist is trained and experienced in offering helpful benefits of travel massage to ensure that the person can let go of stress and anxiety in order to more fully enjoy the trip. Massages make a person feel pampered and help them to disconnect from any worries or issues associated with their travel experience. A massage can last a few minutes or up to an hour, and they are worth every penny in providing much-needed relief from the drudgery and strain of travel.

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