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Posted on: July 2, 2014

Even though you have graduated from massage school and you are ready to move on, you should never give up on making connections and networking. It is important for all massage therapists to continue to network and build their relationships with other therapists and individuals in the field.

Why Network?

Networking can provide you with many opportunities that were not once available to you. Networking connects you with individuals and companies around your local cities and in other states. You can build up a strong base of fans, followers, and friends throughout your networking.

Who Can You Network With?

You can network with anyone who is looking to network; however, there are some main connections you will want to make. One of the best networking opportunities for you is networking with other massage therapists. You can do this at conferences, additional training courses, and while you are out and about. These experienced professionals have a large insight of knowledge and can help you advance your career. It is always nice to know someone on the inside and you will be able to explore opportunities they offer. When you network with other massage therapists, consider what they each do that is different or above and beyond what others do. This will help you grow and learn more about the industry and where you want to be. When connecting with massage therapists at seminars and conferences, you will be given a lot of material to take home with you. During the actual conference, you will be able to see videos and view real life experiences that help give you a good idea of what goes on in the industry. You should always network with instructors outside of your school. Massage therapy instructors can provide you with the extra hands-on experience you need and guide you in the right direction when you need it. Your instructors will learn about new and upcoming events and courses that he or she can share with you. Networking with massage instructors is also beneficial because they have many years of experience which will help you when you have a question or need guidance. Lastly, you can connect and network with continuing education courses. Keeping an eye on schools and courses will help you get the first seat when a class opens up. You may even be on a list to receive some of the first invites. Continuing your education is important in the massage industry and you need to know that you can continue in your career and advance as necessary.

Start Networking Today

It is important that you begin networking today. You can receive many benefits and perks when you connect with the right people. You will need help and guidance once you graduate massage school so it is ideal to meet and greet now.

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